Student Work

Foundations Art Course
1 Foundations Syllabus
2 Foundations Course Materials
3 Instructor Portfolio
4 Student Work
1 Foundations Syllabus
2 Foundations Course Materials
3 Instructor Portfolio
4 Student Work
Course Syllabus
Using Line effectively in your drawings- Using the pencil, overhand grip, extended grip, writing grip
- Line Quality (Apple)
- Blind Contour object #1
- Cross-contour lines / Four circles

- Hammer from memory
- Blind contour hammer
- Hammer from observation
- Continuous line drawing of objects
Homework - ▶️ Cross-hatched value scale and mug (worksheet link)

- Lesson on cross-contour lines
- Cross-contour apple
- Cross-contour banana
- Cross-hatched sphere
Homework - 3 sketches as proposal for section project
Section Project![]()
Personal drawing showing exploratory use of LINE
Use your knowledge of line, line quality, and cross contour lines to create a drawing of a scene or subject of your choosing. Use line to define the boundaries of objects. Use line quality to communicate form and shadow. Use cross contour lines to add shading and communicate the form of the subjects.Finish the drawing with drawing pens.
Breaking a subject into basic shapes, negative space

- Machine drawing built using basic shapes

Learning how to draw the basic forms, learning how to use shading to create the illusion of dimensionality.
- Basic Forms page 2 - HB only, no blending.
- The Sphere
- Basic Forms page 3
H pencil and very soft / dark pencil
Submit 3 photos of possible still life arrangements for section project
- Arranged forms still life
- Section Project
- Still Life from Home #1
Create your still life drawing on 11x14 drawing paper using H, HB, 2B, and 4B pencils.
Learning to use value to create a sense of form, emphasis, depth, and direct the eye.
- Using Charcoal
Value 2
- Four value studies of classic artworks
Homework - Submit 3 photos as proposal for Still Life from home #2
Value 3
- Reductive charcoal still life
Section Project - Begin your still life from home #2 on 18x24 grey-toned paper. Use only vine charcoal to do the preliminary drawing of this still life composition
Value 4
- Charcoal still life
Section Project - Increase the value range of your Still Life #2 drawing using compressed charcoal for dark values and white charcoal for light values.
The gray of the paper functions as the midtone.
Value 5
- Complete charcoal still life
- Critique Section Project
Homework - ▶️ Space in art
Learn how to create the illusion of space or depth in your drawings
- Six ways to show SPACE practice drawing
Homework - ▶️ How To Draw Using 1-Point Perspective
Space 2
- One-point perspective tutorial and cityscapeHomework
Space 3
- Two-point perspective tutorial and cityscape
Space 4
- Three-point perspective tutorial and cityscapes
Homework - Submit 3 photos of your house or apartment for Section Project
Space 5
- Two-point perspective maze
- Space Quiz
Section Project - Draw your house or apartment using perspective
Learn how to create realistic simulated textures in your drawings
- Critique SPACE section project
- Texture Intro
- Texture #1 - Wood Grain
Texture 2
- Texture #2 - Bricks
Texture 3
- Texture #3 - Metal
Texture 4
- Texture Quiz
- Texture #4 - Paper
Homework - Paper bag arrangement at home
Colored Pencils
Learning to use prismacolor colored pencils
- critique TEXTURE section project
- Intro to Colored Pencils
Colored Pencils 2
- Chili peppers drawing
Colored Pencils 3
- Glass marble drawing
Colored Pencils 4
- Glass marble drawing 2
Section Project - Personal drawing using colored pencils
Color Theory and Acrylic Paint
Understanding the science behind choosing colors that work well together. Learning how to paint with acrylics.
- Critique Colored pencil section project
- Color Theory intro
- Color Wheel
Homework - Color Theory worksheets
Color Theory 2
- Painting techniques
- Painting the same subject with four different color schemes
Section Project 1 - Painting divided into three different color schemes
Color Theory 3
- Portrait in acrylic paint
Section Project 2 - Self-Portrait painting using color scheme of your choice
Color Theory 4
- Critique of section projects
- Color Theory Quiz
Homework - Submit 3 photos for self-portrait. Your face should be lit either by the sun or indoor light with a light side and dark side of the face.
Learning how to draw the head and face using a grid and using the Loomis method
- Portrait using a grid part 1
Homework - Loomis Method practice - front view
Portraiture 2
- Portrait using a grid part 2
Homework - Loomis Method practice - profile
Portraiture 3
- Review front and profile views Loomis Method
- Intro to ¾ view Loomis Method
- Portrait using Loomis Method part 1
Homework - Loomis Method practice - ¾ view
Portraiture 4
- Portrait using Loomis Method part 2
Homework - Loomis Method practice - ¾ view
Pastel Landscapes
Learning how to use soft pastels
- Pastel landscape 1
Section Project - Sketch for Imaginary Landscape
Pastel Landscapes 2
- Pastel landscape 2
Section Project - Begin Imaginary Landscape
Pastel Landscapes 3
- Pastel landscape 3
Section Project - Complete Imaginary Landscape
Figure Drawing
Learning how to draw the human figure using the ‘skeletal system’ and using gesture.
- Skeletal System 1
Homework - Draw the human skeleton
Figure Drawing 2
- Skeletal System 2
Homework - Submit 5 sketches for figure drawing 1 (self-portrait)
Figure Drawing 3
- Gesture drawing 1
Homework - Submit 3 photos for figure drawing 1 (self-portrait)
Figure Drawing 4
- Gesture drawing 2
- Begin figure drawing 1 (self-portrait)
Homework - Gesture drawing practice
Figure Drawing 5
- Gesture drawing 3
- Complete figure drawing 1 (self-portrait) Homework
- Submit 3 photos for figure drawing 2 (friend or family member)
Figure Drawing 6
- Gesture drawing 4
- Begin figure drawing 2 (friend or family member) Homework
- Gesture drawing practice
Figure Drawing 7
- Gesture drawing 5
- Complete figure drawing 2 (friend or family member)
Homework - Figure drawing sketchbook work